As We All Will Deteriorate

As We All Will Deteriorate Score Snippet

"All things deteriorate in time." As true as this may be, it should not be completely viewed so tragically. Any deterritorialization is necessarily followed by reterritorialization. Any territory is inseparable from vectors of deterritorialization working on it from within, and deterritorialization is inseparable from correlative reterritorializations. The deterritorialization of SAMO was necessary of Basquiat; "becomings interlink and form relays in a circulation of intensities pushing the deterritorialization ever further. There is neither imitation nor resemblance, only an exploding of two heterogeneous series on the line of flight composed by a common rhizome that can no longer be attributed to or subjugated by anything signifying." Hope and change is always a matter of deterritorialization and reterritorializations; it is deterioration.

Performance by Travis Knapp at UIUC

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